Beginning this month, the QCCN team began distributing parent-baby gift bags generously donated by Estée Lauder.
We are so grateful for this wonderful contribution that is allowing us to positively impact over 100 Queens families.
QCCN’s Health and Safety team gained great knowledge and made wonderful connections attending the NATIONAL CHILD NUTRITION CONFERENCE in San Diego this month.
It was an informative and inspiring experience meeting with other dedicated USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsors throughout the country.
On April, QCCN hosted another informative orientation session to kick off our second round of the LENA Grow project. QCCN is excited to have 8 new providers joining the project. Our second cycle will include a total of 13 providers and over 80 children.
LENA Grow’s unique early childhood technology captures data on critical “conversational turns” that bolster a child’s language development and learning. QCCN participating providers receive colorful, detailed, data driven reports along with educational coaching which enhances their impact and knowledge as early childhood educators. QCCN is grateful to the Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation for funding this critical initiative.
QCCN is also thankful to Estée Lauder for their generous donation of new mom-baby gift bags. Our providers were able to share these essentials resources with their most in-need families.